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Sunday, 7 January 2024




Benefits of Eating Food with Hands

Eating with hands has been a tradition in India since ancient times. Due to the influence of Western culture, the practice of eating with a spoon has increased. Some people consider eating with hands unhygienic. Washing your hands and eating with your hands has many health benefits. Ayurveda says that we are made up of five elements. Also known as life energy. These five principles are in our hands. Our thumb is the symbol of fire, the index finger is the finger on the side of the thumb, the symbol of air. The middle finger represents the sky, the ring finger represents the earth and the smallest finger represents water. An imbalance of any of these principles can cause disease.

When we eat, we eat with all our fingers together. According to science, this mudra helps in keeping the body healthy. This is why we combine all these principles when we eat. This makes food energizing.


If you are overweight then definitely try this experiment. Instead of eating with a fork, you start eating with your hands. According to Ayurveda, its yogic mudra is formed when you bring your fingers together to take a bite of food. This posture is useful for activating your sensory organs. It is said that your fingers are the embodiment of the five elements. The thumb represents the sky, the index finger or first finger represents air, Madhyam means fire, the ring finger represents water and the smallest finger represents earth. So eating with your hands has good effects on your body.


While eating with your hands, you have to pay attention to the food. In this we have to look at the food, we have to look at what is going into our mouths. This is called mindful eating. It is healthier than spoon-feeding. Mindful eating has many benefits. The most important of these is that it increases the nutritional value of the food. Which improves digestion and maintains good health.


Benefits of eating with hands Energize food - Eating with hands energizes food. Eating with your hands is a sensory experience that can evoke emotion and passion. According to Ayurveda, each finger of the hand is an extension of the five elements. In particular

The thumb is related to space.

The index finger is associated with air.

The middle finger is associated with fire.

The ring finger is associated with water.

The little finger is related to earth.

When we enjoy our food with our hands, the whole process stimulates these five elements and helps activate the food we are about to eat. It is important to keep all the elements in balance and stay healthy.

In addition, the senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste become more active. Stimulation of the five senses makes you aware of the taste, texture, and aroma of food.

Eating by Hand Works As a Natural Remedy

When you eat with a spoon or fork, you put your food directly into your mouth. Thus your mind cannot perceive the temperature or texture of the food. That's why your tongue burns when you put very hot food in your mouth.

But when you eat with your hands, the nerve endings sense the temperature of the food through your fingers, preventing your tongue from burning. Nerve endings also send signals to your brain about what you're about to eat. It releases the right digestive juices and enzymes to keep your food tasting good.

Eat With Hands for Better Digestion

Your palms and fingers also have "good" and "bad" bacteria. Good bacteria protect you from many harmful germs in the environment. When you eat with a spoon and fork, these bacteria do not reach your stomach. They promote healthy digestion in the stomach and prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Additionally, when you touch food with your hands, a signal is sent to the brain to release digestive juices and enzymes. When you eat with your hands, your fingers start eating them. You are more aware of the texture and taste of that food. Also, when you eat with your hands, the signal gets to your brain faster. So the digestion process in your body takes place properly. You should eat with your hands to improve your digestion. Also, since you eat with your hands, you get to know the taste of each food quickly on your tongue. Depending on the type of food, the brain organizes the metabolism that is necessary for good digestion. A healthy digestive system is important for a healthy body and mind.


Usually, we do not wash the spoon first while eating. But when he eats with his hands, he always washes his hands and sits down to eat. Therefore, there is a risk of any type of infection due to germs or other things on the spoon. But we are more careful when eating with our hands. Therefore, the risk of infection is also avoided. Apart from that, your hands also get used to exercise. Usually, you should get into the habit of eating with your hands. If you have no choice, use a fork and spoon. But try to eat with your hands wherever possible.

Eat With Your Hands to Prevent Diabetes

Eating with a fork and spoon may be easier and faster, but it can also cause blood sugar imbalances in the body and ultimately increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A 2012 study published by the European Society of Endocrinology suggests that people who eat fast food are 2.5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

So eating quickly increases your risk of diabetes, but eating with your hands can lower your risk of diabetes. When using your hands, you put less food in your mouth. Eating slowly improves digestion and makes you feel full sooner and eat less.

Eating with cutlery is a kind of mechanical process and you don't pay much attention to what you are eating or how much you are eating. Additionally, you can start multitasking while eating, such as watching TV, checking your mobile phone, or reading a newspaper. Not paying full attention to eating means you're overeating.


In many places eating with forks and spoons has increased due to manners and everything else. But we have all been eating with our hands since time immemorial. Even now, in many places, people eat with their hands at home. It has some important reasons and advantages. If you adopt this in your daily life, your body will surely benefit from it. There is no need to be ashamed of eating with your hands. Remember that your body will benefit from it. It is said that many of our traditions are disappearing due to modernization. But some of these traditions are also said to have scriptures and therefore should be followed. Even doctors often advise us to eat food with our hands. Foods like Amti and Kadhi cannot be eaten with hands. But we can definitely eat other foods grown on the plate by breaking them with our hands.


All the information in the above article is collected from various websites through the internet. According to the subject, this information has been presented to you with necessary modifications. The Compiler does not take any responsibility for its authenticity and cannot guarantee 100% about the points and information presented therein. Readers are requested to enjoy reading. The information given here is based on religious belief and folk belief, there is no scientific evidence for it. It is presented here keeping in mind the general interest.

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