person has their own signature style. Although two persons have the same name,
their signatures are different. So their signature is their identity. But did
you know that your signature says a lot about your personality and character?
Handwritten signatures represent our identity and personality, making them an
essential element in both personal and professional settings. A well-crafted
signature can leave a lasting impression on others and hence creating a unique
signature is essential. In this article we will discuss how to create the best
handwritten signature using Marathi name. Any person usually uses three
initials while signing, one of his own, two of his father/husband, three of his
last name, so today we are going to know what are the people who write only
Suppose a person's name is Suresh and he writes
only 'S' in his signature and nothing else, it means that the person has
sacrificed a lot in his life and it also means that the person has been
influenced by his parents. Influence is less, one wants to create a different
If a person has his father's initials written in
his signature, it is not usually a signature that only has his father's
initials, if he has his father's initials along with his own initials, it means
that the person has seen his father work hard in life and his father has
sacrificed a lot in life. Usually in today's generation there are very few
people who write their father's name or initials in their signature. This rule
(principle) applies equally to the initials of her husband in the case of a
married woman. Rarely if it is found that a signature does not have one's own
initials and father's initials and surname means, the person hides about
If a person writes only the initial of his surname
and not the full surname, it means that the person is hiding something about
his business or he does not like to tell about it.
If a person's signature contains only initials, own
name, father's name and surname, then such a person hides all the cards about
himself and makes last minute decisions.
People whose signature is printed or engraved, such
people are very compassionate and are even ready to sacrifice themselves to
save their family members. They think a lot and get angry quickly.
People who sign different from their name hide many
facts about themselves, do not talk to anyone properly and do not pay attention
to what others say. They want to show themselves to be faster and smarter than
Those who write the first letter of the name in
symbolic form and the last name in full, have faith in God and are lucky in
nature. They want to hide their identity and always think of themselves as
superior to others.
People who sign clearly and draw a line under it
and put a dot at the end are socially respectable and pure in heart. Such
people are teachers, scientists, editors etc. and they always want to advance.
Being mostly of lazy nature, they do not pay much attention to clothes etc. and
live with what they got.
Signs that draw a line and two dots below are
unhappy with their family life. Often they have love marriages where their
wives are older than them or of a different caste. They do many kinds of
business and jobs and they don't want to stay in one place.
A person who capitalizes the first letter while
signing is a prodigious genius. Such people complete the task undertaken in an
extraordinary manner. If the first letter is capitalized and the subsequent
letters are small and beautiful, the person will gradually reach his
destination. People who sign like this get more comforts and conveniences.
Individuals who have complex, more complicated
signatures are facing many problems in their life. It is difficult for these
people to have a happy life. Due to circumstances, these people also deceive
some. Such individuals have a desire to succeed, but they lack the effort to do
so. But no one can betray these people because they are clever.
Some people write their signature partially or by
breaking it. The words of the script are short and are also unclear. This makes
it a bit difficult to recognize such handwriting. Such people are usually
cunning. These people do not tell the secret of their work to anyone. Sometimes
these people can go down wrong roads and harm anyone.
People who have an artistic and attractive sign are
creative in nature. They are more inclined to do any work in artistic form.
Such signatories express they are mostly artists.
Some people draw two lines below the signature.
People with this sign have more sense of insecurity. Such people are worried
about failure in any work. These people have a tendency to spend. Of course we
can call these people stingy.
People who capitalize the first letter of their
signature and then write their last name i.e. surname in full are very
successful and attain happiness and comfort in life. It is their nature to
believe in God and do religious work.
Persons whose signature lacks rhythm are mentally
Individuals whose signatures appear to have a cut
in them are clearly negative thinkers. They see failure first in any task.
Some people whose handwriting and their signature
are the same, such people do all their work well. Such people are balanced.
There is no such thing as a nature in front and a different nature in reality.
They remain the same nature as they are.
People who write their signature from bottom to top
are optimists. Despair is not in their nature. Such people have more faith in
God. These people want to progress in life. Such signatories can make a good
This science is based on the theory
that a person's hand is usually bent in the same way as his nature. It has been
my experience that a man's character usually does not lie. Till date, due to
the study of this science, I have the experience that some of the handwritings
speak directly to me and the character of that person unfolds in front of me.
Of course, as I said above, human nature (especially women's nature) is a
strange chemistry, so the analysis of one's handwriting may or may not be
correct. But one thing is certain that sometimes handwriting analysis can
reveal some hidden flaws in our own nature. Maybe we can even benefit from it when
we know it!
All the information in the above article is collected from various
websites through the internet. According to the topic, this information has
been presented to you with necessary modifications. The Compiler does not take
any responsibility for its authenticity and cannot guarantee 100% about the
points and information presented therein. Readers are requested to enjoy
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